For Brainy Brian 12

Same as before. Questions #1 & #2 short essay, maybe half page, no minimum. Question #3 essay, about a page but no minimum.1. Explain the development of American exploration and science and how they contributed to nationalism in the1850s.2. Explain why and how the debate over slavery became increasingly heated during the1850s.3. The 1850s saw profound changes on the American political scene. Old parties were broken down, new parties were born, national political alliances cracked  under the stress of sectional tensions. Describe this process. What happened to the national parties of the Age of Jackson? What new parties came into existence during this period? How did they differ from the older national parties? What were their goals and platforms? How did sectional tensions and other factors Contribute to these political developments? Did these political changes increase or decrease the likelihood of a civil war?

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