discussion question!

All sources of information (whether the textbook or a web site) are citedLength: A quality post is one that is somewhere between 150 and 200 words.What do you believe are two or three of the most important cultural, political, religious or economic inheritances which the West received from the Byzantine or Islamic civilizations?  Why?a list of hints and some clarification to help guide you on this discussion.First, the question is asking you what inheritances the West received at the time, not today.  Be sure to focus on the Middle Ages, particularly the Dark Ages, when addressing this question.Second, try to focus on just a few inheritances.  If everyone posts the same few inheritances, then it’s hard to have a discussion because we keep repeating ourselves.Finally, influences are difficult to prove at the best of times, so don’t get too hung up on right or wrong answers.  I’m looking for you to make connections based on the content of the Unit’s chapters.

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