discussion 1

Briefly discuss the critical events that occurred onEACHthe following four dates–1931, 1939 (two events), 1940 and 1941 that led to the outbreak of World War II.Why did the countries that triggered these events act the way that they did:  Do you think it was to build an empire?  To use the military as a means of getting out of the Great Depression?  A response to defeat in WWI?  Do you think that they were looking to start a World War?  What do you think and why.  Provide historical evidence to support your answers.Give at least two (2) reasons why Americans initially wanted to stay out of the conflict that would become World War II. Provide historical evidence for your positions.Use the source provided below for paper.Schultz, K. M. (2017). HIST5. Boston: Cengage Learning Inc

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