
In this activity you will find background information and directions to resources for further research.

  • Download the handout “Protesting for Civil Rights”
  • Follow the directions given in the activity
  • Select a group of people for your own civil rights campaign (email your instructor with your idea before beginning)
  • Create your campaign: you may use posters, PowerPoint, a video–be creative

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Student User Name: melody9off

QL# 1138

What you will do

  • Explore the methods of nonviolent protest used by the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
  • Develop a social action campaign for a contemporary civil rights issue.

What you will need

One handout:
Protesting for Civil Rights

Textbooks and other available research resources
Art supplies (if signs or other visuals are created for campaigns)

Web Sites:

Note: some links direct you to external web sites. These sites and their content are not controlled by SAS.

Greensboro Sit-ins
Search Key Players and Media/Headlines from the menu on the left.
Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement Timeline
Civil Rights Movement: An Introduction

How you will do it

  • Complete Part I of Protesting for Civil Rights. For each of the five protest methods listed, summarize an important event from the Civil Rights era where the method was used. Write a definition of the method and identify the outcome of the protest.
  • Following the directions in Part II of Protesting for Civil Rights, identify a group of people in need of equal rights or protection today. The identifications should be made with your teacher’s approval.
  • Create a campaign to achieve equal rights or protection for your chosen group. Outline the goals of your social action, decide on the use of one or more of the protest methods from your research, and explain how and why your campaign will affect change.
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