Select the portion of Sinek’s TED Talk that made the greatest impact on you personally as  you listened

This  discussion is based on a TED Talk by Simon Sinek, as well as drawing on  readings from the management module. Fascinated by leaders with the  capacity to inspire and have an impact in the world, Sinek has  discovered some remarkable patterns in how these leaders think, act, and  communicate. He wrote Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action to  explore the idea of the “golden circle,” which is what he calls “a  naturally occurring pattern, grounded in the biology of human  decision-making, that explains why we are inspired by some people,  leaders, messages, and organizations over others.”
Watch Sinek’s TED Talk, below:

You can read a transcript of the video here.
For Discussion
Select the portion of Sinek’s TED Talk that made the greatest impact on you personally as  you listened. You can read the transcript to find his exact words and  make sure you capture his message. Why did you select this portion?
Thinking  about what you learned from the readings in this module, answer the  following question: How important is it for managers and leaders in  business to understand Sinek’s concluding statement, below?
Because  there are leaders and there are those who lead. Leaders hold a position  of power or authority, but those who lead inspire us. Whether they’re  individuals or organizations, we follow those who lead, not because we  have to, but because we want to. We follow those who lead, not for them,  but for ourselves.

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This  discussion is based on a TED Talk by Simon Sinek, as well as drawing on appeared first on




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