discussion board 984

1) Discussion 1 ( answer 250words)

Read the following article and think about gender roles in the context of health care and mental health care. How much do you think gender roles affect the quality of mental health care, health care, and healthcare reform? What obstacles, if any, exist in closing gender gaps? What changes might be needed to close gender gaps?

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Is Medicine’s Gender Bias Killing Young Women?

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Gender role in healthcare is seen as an expectation for men and woman. Scientist predict which gender will live longer and the certain diseases there are at risk for (Feldman p.328). I think these gender roles have a bad effect on the human mind. In the article I was reading I learned that although men are at higher risk of getting a heart attack, a woman is at higher risk of dying if they ever have a heart attack. These types of statements make women more laid back about heart disease. A lot of women underestimate having heart disease, sadly studies have shown women are twice as likely to die from heart-related issues. An obstacle that stands in closing the gap of gender are stereotypes, they make people think of how a man and a woman should act as a whole instead of as an individual. In order to close gender gaps, individuals should stop dictating what a man and woman should do and think of what that one person likes (Feldman p.333).

Feldman, R. S. (2011). Understanding psychology. Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.

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I believe that gender roles have definitely affected the quality in mental health care and health care . For example , as stated in the article that since heart disease is considered a “Man’s disease” , women are often ignored or dismissed even with having the symptoms . I believe this due to the way scientists perceive their statistics and how the health care providers just runs with it. Some obstacles in closing gender gap’s is the stereotypes. In the textbook it states , “ by shaping believes about how men and women should behave, the stereotypes potentially keep any qualities between the genders alive” (Feldman, pg.328) . For example many people such myself I’ve heard the stereotype men are stronger than women, and women are mentally stronger than men. This stereotype has went on for years and it’s ultimately making it harder to close that gender gap, however some people truly do believe it. The changes might be needed in order to close gender gaps within mental health care and healthcare is simply treating or assisting any patient the same way whether male or female , and just do the best to their ability to help their patients.


Feldman, R. S. (2013). Understanding psychology. Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.


4) Discussion 2 (answer 250 word)

In your opinion, do you think nature or nurture influences development more? In other words, do you think biological processes influence physical and mental growth across a lifetime or do you feel that our environmental surroundings affect this change? Give specific examples to support your claim and support your reasoning with information from the text and other course materials.

This is the ‘age old’ question: Nature or Nurture: Which one explains human behavior best? While this question is asking for your personal opinion, it is important to support your view with information presented in our textbook.

Headings will help you address each element:

  • Nature or Nurture?
  • Specific examples to support your claim and support your reasoning with information from the text and other course materials.

Here is one article on this debate:


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This is a question in which no one statement is true; it is very broad. I believe that no one particular factor has totalitarian influence over a person’s development and sexuality. I think both environmental and biological processes are what influence behavior, growth and preference. Feldman claims that psychologists have had a hard time narrowing down the one factor that influences this, and instead have come to realize that several factors in fact are the true source for such specific behavior. Stereotypes, stemming from conditioned roles since birth are one cause for specific behavior (Feldman, pg. 328). Level of aggression due to hormonal balances and imbalances is another reason (Feldman, pg. 333). Social environment along with biological and evolutionary experiences are also different factors that impact behavior (Feldman, pg. 336-337). For instance, the nature, or environment in which the individual is raised can determine his level of aggression towards others and the way in which the individual was cared for, or nurtured, can also affect his conceived perception of how the world is and in return dictate how he/she should act. Of course, there are also those examples of individuals who turned out to be the complete opposite of the their environment or the way in which they were nurtured. Ultimately, the brain and its counterparts is a very, very complex organ in which we can all agree that further experiments, analysis and studies need to be conducted to further the understanding of its complexity.


Feldman, R. S. (2019). Understanding psychology (13th ed.). Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Education.

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I believe that it takes a combination of hereditary and environmental factors to influence growth. I have to lean toward nature influences developmental growth more. Behavioral genetics have discovered that the genes are partially responsible for personal characteristics such as cognitive abilities, personality traits, and psychological disorders (Feldman. Pg. 371). Temperament is another factor; it is a basic, inborn characteristic way of responding as well as behavioral style (Feldman. Pg. 386). In contrast, Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development are based on our society and culture change as an individual matures (Feldman. Pg. 386). Although nature and nurture work together, developmental psychologist agree that environmental factors play a critical role in enabling people to reach the potential capabilities that their genetic background makes possible.

Feldman, R. (2017). Understanding Psychology (Bound).

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