apocalypse in comte culture

For this first assignment, search the internet for an apocalypse-themed text and post it here in the discussion thread (about 300-400 words). A few rules:

  • Your text can be just about anything: a video, an image, a game, any kind of written text, or some other media.
  • Your text MUST feature at least one apocalyptic trope in some way. This might include (but is not limited to):
    • Something about the end of the world
    • Something about an antichrist or supervillain
    • Something about hope and despair in a threatening world
    • Something about prophecy and/or a divine plan and/or a last judgment
  • No downloads–whatever you post needs to appear directly in the thread (more details below).
  • No repeats. If something has already been posted on thread, you won’t get credit if you repost the same thing. (There can be only one post for Avengers: Endgame!) (Already chosen: Attack on Titan, On punch Men)

Underneath your chosen text, tell us a bit about what you’ve chosen:

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1) What is the text’s genre (for example: an ad, a trailer, a game, a meme, a tweet, a review, an op-ed piece, etc.)?

2) How do you know this text belongs to this genre? List the conventions (features you recognize) that let us know this text belongs to this genre.

3) What is the main purpose of this text and genre? How do the conventions you listed in #2 help achieve this purpose?

4) How is the text intended to make us (the audience) respond? How do these responses help achieve the text’s purpose?

5) Who are the creators of the text (rhetors)? What motivated them to create this text? If there’s more than one rhetor, how may they be working toward different messages and purposes?

6) How is apocalypse portrayed in this text? How does this text fulfill or challenge our expectations about what apocalypse is or is supposed to be? How does this text use the idea of apocalypse to achieve its purpose?

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