History essay: Introduction to Western Civilization

Answer EITHER A or B with a 800 to 1000 word essay:A) Which of these had most influence on events in the West between 1715 and the present: the legacy of the Enlightenment or the legacy of Napoleon? Begin by defining the one you choose (what are its main elements?) and then explain how it influenced events in the 19th and 20th centuries by referring to at least two events/developments in EACH of those centuries (examples might be mass education or nationalism).B) Write an essay in which you argue either 1) that nationalism has primarily been a force for good in Western history between 1715 and the present or 2) that nationalism has been a force for evil between 1715 and the present. In your essay  you must discuss events/trends for both the 19th and 20th centuries (and the 21st century if relevant).

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