Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between health insurance and health?

Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between health insurance and health?

1. Question : (TCO 1) Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between health insurance and health?
Student Answer:1- Compared with the insured person, the uninsured tend to be diagnosed at later stages of life-threatening illnesses.(Chapter 3, pg 21-22)

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2- Having health insurance has no impact on a person’s overall health. Genetics and lifestyle choices are the only factors proven to impact health.

3- In an effort to avoid high-cost hospitalizations, the uninsured are more likely to practice health maintenance behaviors than those with insurance.

4- People who have health insurance display a 25 percent increased risk of dying when compared to the uninsured.

2.Question :(TCO 2) Which of the following are stakeholders in health care policy?
Student Answer:1- Individuals, Businesses, Consumers, and Purchasers(Answer located on page 193 in textbook)

2- Purchasers, Medical Suppliers, Providers, and Businesses

3- Providers, Hospitals, Physicians, and Insurers

3.Question :(TCO 3) Proportional payments are ________________.
Student Answer:1- The ratio of payment to income that is the same for all classes. (Chapter 2, pg. 14)

2- payments that take a falling percentage of income as income increases.

3- payments that take a rising percentage of income as income increases.

4-A set fee regardless of income.

4.Question :(TCO 4) Which of the following is an effective cost control mechanism?
Student Answer:1- Raising physician fees

2- Capitation payments (Located in Chapter 9 on page 108)

3- Patient cost sharing

4- Risk transfer

5. Question : (TCO 1) How is Health Policy Formed?
Student Answer:1- Through discussion with patients

2- Through the judicial system

3- Through the legislative process

4- Both B and C (Week 1 Lecture)

Points Received: 5 of 5
6.Question :(TCO 3) Which of the following are modes of paying for health care?
Student Answer:1- Capitation, Fee-for-service, and Salary

2- Out-of-pocket payments, individual private insurance, employment-based private insurance, and government financing (Chapter 2, pg 5)

3-Private Insurance and government financing

4- Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance

Points Received: 5 of 5
1.Question :(TCO 2) What were the most common medical care structures of the first half of the twentieth century?
Student Answer:Instructor Explanation:

Chapter 6, pg 60 Multi-specialty group practice, Community Health Centers, Prepaid group practice

Points Received: 10 of 10
2. Question : (TCO 4) List the methods of physician payment.
Student Answer:Instructor Explanation:

Chapter 4 pg. 32-38 Fee-for-service, Per episode of illness (PPS), Capitation, Salary

Points Received: 10 of 10
3. Question : (TCO 2) What are the three models of organizing care? Provide a brief description of the care provided at each level.
Points Received: 10 of 10
4. Question : (TCO 4) What is the concept of patient cost sharing? Is it painless form of cost control? For whom?
Student Answer:
Instructor Explanation: Chapter 9, pg 104-105. Patient cost sharing refers to patients having to pay out of pocket for some portion of their health care. It can be painless if the cost sharing is modest amounts and not applied to people with low incomes.
Points Received: 20 of 20
5. Question : (TCO 3) Describe why private health insurance coverage has decreased over the past decades, creating the uninsured/under insured crisis? Who are the uninsured?
Student Answer:
Instructor Explanation:
Points Received: 20 of 20




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