What would you say to Mr Apulu?s sons about their concerns? Who else might you bring into thisdiscussion and why?

What would you say to Mr Apulu?s sons about their concerns? Who else might you bring into this
discussion and why?

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Assessment 2 – Simulation Reflection

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Assessment Type Written Reflection

Self-awareness is the first step in developing empathy for others. Through reflection, nursing students become more self-aware, are able to acknowledge their own attitudes and better understand how their life experiences, beliefs and biases affect the people they care for.

For this assessment, you will:
1. Attend a one hour disability simulation and debrief.
Basically it?s a two person sim one student being the nurse(myself) and the other is a stroke patient. I was given a patient through handover that I will be caring a patient with right sided paralysis/weakness with sling attached to right arm and a leg frame on his right leg.. so basically I was instructed to put on clothes to the patient and have him for a walk around the campus and leave him in sitting down in one spot to observe for him 5min in a distance and observe what will happen if anyone will help him to stand up? he was instructed to act as if he?s struggling to catch the attention to other people? some of them passed him by and just looked at him but a minute later a young woman noticed him and quickly offer help.. so basically the simulation is all about SELf-AWARENESS and EMPAHTY.. and we quickly returned to the room after that? this were the notes I got during the debriefing..

Patient(student 2)- feels helpless, humiliated , exhausted (physical and mental), people avoiding to offer help, scared

Nurse(student 1 me)- felt overwhelmed, self-aware, emphaty, communication assessment since the patient has difficulty in speaking. Awareness to surroundings, what can you do? What can you help?

2. Read:
? Scenario 2 from Hoffman, K. & Haining, N. (2013) Clinical reasoning: Learning to think like a nurse. Levett-Jones, T. (Ed). Frenchs Forrest NSW: Pearson. (Chap 6)
? Tasker, D. & De Bortoli,T. (2014). Communicating with people who have communication impairment. T Levett-Jones (ed). Critical conversations for patient safety: An essential guide for health professionals. Frenchs Forrest NSW: Pearson. (Chapter 14 )

3. Reflect on Scenario 2 and address the following five (5) points:

a) Describe the feelings and emotions Mr Apulu may have experienced while he was in the initial stages of stroke recovery. Reflect on the feelings and emotions you experienced in the stroke simulation and relate these to the way Mr Apulu may have felt.
b) Identify and discuss two of Mr Apulu?s psychosocial needs during this time.
c) Discuss one nursing action for each Mr Apulu?s psychosocial needs (two nursing actions) that would provide care that is both person-centred and empathetic. Provide rationales for each nursing action (two psychosocial needs + two nursing actions + two rationales).
d) Give two examples of how Mr Apulu?s ‘safety and quality of life’ could be compromised if competent and empathetic care is not provided in this situation.
e) Critically reflect on your own life experiences, values, beliefs, biases and assumptions and discuss how they might influence the care you provide to people who have had a stroke. In particular, consider the process of the stroke simulation and what difference, if any, this made in your perception of someone who has had a stroke.
Parts of a) and b) can be written in the first person. Your reflection must be supported by at least six high quality sources (including evidence- based journals and text books). Each answers should be supported by quality references. Guidance for this assessment item will be provided during tutorials.
Weighting 35% of overall semester grade
Submission Method Turnitin via Blackboard Return Method Online

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Caring for a person recovering from a stroke
I I.

It is now 48 hours since Mr Apulu’s condition deteriorated as a result of cerebral oedema. Although his
condition is now stabile, some expressive and receptive dysphasia remains, as does his limb weakness
and visual problems. Mr Apulu has also been a little impulsive at times and had a fall when trying to
stand unaided to go to the bathroom.

Mr Apulu?s IV fluids and IV heparin have been discontinued. He continues on aspirin 100 mg daily
via the nasogastric tube and is having diabetic nasogastric feeds.

Mr Apulu’s sons think their father may be depressed, as he cries easily and does not seem interested
in what is happening to him or around him. They are distressed that he had a fall and want to know what
can be done to prevent further accidents from occurring. They are also distressed about how difficult it
is to communicate with their father now. Although Mr Apulu?s sons helped looked after their mother in
the final stages of her illness. and have some understanding of what it is like to care for someone with a
disability, they are not sure how they will manage their father?s care at home.

Q What would you say to Mr Apulu?s sons about their concerns? Who else might you bring into this
discussion and why?

(a) ReVIew current Information
You review Mr Apulu?s charts and identify the following:
Temperature 37?C
Pulse rate 67 (regular)
Respiratory rate 16
Blood pressure 150/95
Oxygen saturation level 96 per cent on room air
GCS l3
Hourly urine output (average) 40-50 Uhr
BC]. 6.1 mmol/L
Serum potassium 3.8 mmol/L
Serum sodium 130 moi/L
QI Complete the table below by matching the term to the definition.
Term Definition
c2 1 Hemiplegia a The inability to recognise previously familiar objects
9 2 Aphasia/dysphasia b Unilateral or bilateral double vision
6? 3 Dysarthria c Unaware of and inattentive to one side of the body
Y 4 Hemianopia ~ d Difficulty speaking/pronouncing words
C 5 Unilateral neglect e Paralysis of the left or right half of the body
0 6 Agnosia f Difficulty swallowing







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