Self guided power point based on outline provided

This is not a biography. Your argument should highlight how society remembers him or her now. The style of project is a multimedia presentation with both audio and video components; however, the medium is up to you.  self-guided PowerPoint presentation, or video.Creativity and effort is encouraged for this assignment. Your submission will be graded on the following: preparation and submission of a two-page reflection and three to five-minute presentation, ideally based on the outline assignment from Unit VI; use of a minimum two sources that can be found in the Online Library (at least one from the American History and Life database); proper APA citations and references for sources used;content accuracy and avoidance of anachronism. Here are the parameters: o Must include a visual component – Power Point,All source requirements must be included in the combination of presentation and transcript o Audi Track is allowed, but not required o Length must fall within a window of three to five minutes – in the case of PowerPoint, slides and audio (if used) should automatically like a taped presentation

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