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Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 1 COURSE Management Concepts 1101IBA ASSESSMENT Case Report 2 (CR2) DUE DATE Week 11 MONDAY 8 TH JANUARY by 11:00 pm, through our course site, Case Report 2 Moodle Assignment link WORDS 1500 (+ or – 10 %) WEIGHT 30% (marked out of 100) REPORT CASE Why Australian Business needs another Gail Kelly (leading/leadership in Westpac/Australian Business), available from page 372 (Section 13.4) of your eTextbook. This case study resides in Chapter 13 therefore, the selected theory you will focus on for the CR2 is Leading/Leadership. You may select one or two theories to focus on for your Critical Discussion section of this report, in consultation with your Tutor. REPORT OBJECTIVES You are expected to address the following objectives in your report: 1. From your initial understanding of the case context/background in the Gail Kelly (Westpac/Australian Business) case, outline one (1) Management Issue (problem, challenge, opportunity, or threat) that would be relevant to managers in relation to leading/leadership. Use Chapter 13 Leading from your eTextbook/Week 7 course site resources to assist with identifying relevant theory/ies to research. Also, remember to consider the SWOT analysis tool; 2. Source and critically discuss at least 5 academic journal articles about your chosen leadership theory/ies (no more than 2) which are relevant to your identified management issue; 3. Use your e-Textbook as an extra secondary source (identify an appropriate leadership theory) to provide support for the case context and analysis; 4. Use the academic literature to support your claim that the Management Issue identified can be considered to be a relevant issue (do this in the Issue Identification section); 5. Identify a relevant Theory/Model that relates to the Management Issue identified, suitably explains the existence of the issue, and helps you to understand the issue (Issue Identification section); 6. Use the academic literature to assist in critically discussing your chosen explanation and choice of Theory/Model in a balanced manner (Critical Discussion section); 7. Indicate how the academic literature proposes the Management Issue you identified could be addressed through a Recommendation (Recommendations section). The CR2 will assist in developing your written communication, information literacy, secondary research, critical and innovative thinking and academic integrity skills. These skills are critical to fulfilling the role of a practicing manager. BEFORE YOU START DEVELOPING YOUR CR2, VISIT APPENDIX A AT THE END OF THE WORK BOOK FOR ADVICE. MODELLING OF SECTIONS OF PAST STUDENTS PAPERS WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON THE COURSE SITE. Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 2 IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. This report is NOT a case study; the purpose of the case story is to provide you with a scenario that exposes a Management Issue you can research. 2. A Management Issue is something that managers have to address within their organisation and work (e.g. problems, challenges, or even opportunities or threats relating to the Management approach taken, influencing the management functions, requiring consideration). Managers will notice there is an issue because they see symptoms existing in their organisation now, or potential symptoms in the future, that do, or can, affect the success of their organisation. By addressing the Management issue that is connected to these present or potential symptoms, managers will enhance the operation of their organisation. HINT: Use the SWOT analysis tool to help you identify your Management Issue! 3. A minimum of 5 academic standard – or scholarly – reference sources + e-Textbook are required. 4. The Moodle Assignment incorporates Turnitin for marking, commenting, and text match checking. You will receive a mark out of 100 via the Moodle Assignment, on your marking rubric, and portal Grades area, that will be converted back to a weighted score out of 30 %. REPORT REQUIREMENTS Structure (The CR2 is a report; which means that a Title page, Table of Contents and headings are used). The report will have the following structure: 1.0 Introduction (Approximately 100 words) The Introduction is essentially an overview of the report, framing and stating the Management Issue, explaining the importance of the Management Issue and previewing the report’s overall argument (presented in a clear statement at the end of the Introduction). Your argument is critical, as you will need to defend/support your argument through your report. The statement of argument also helps to establish the report’s logical structure. Typically, the following questions are answered:  What is the context (case facts), relating to and/or leading you, to your chosen Management Issue? Are there any case symptom/s that are important to framing the case? (present these facts briefly – 2 to 3 sentences);  What is the Management Issue? (brief statement – 1 sentence);  Why is the Management Issue worthy of research? (brief statement – 1);  What is the structure of this report? (brief – 1 sentence);  What is my argument? (brief statement – 1 to 2 sentences. This statement links your Theory/Model to your Recommendation. Your argument is developed and explored further in the Critical Discussion and Recommendation/s sections of your CR2). Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 3 These stages help you in framing the Management Issue, supports your research and development of your writing in the CR2. 2.0 Issue Identification (Approximately 300 words) This section presents an outline of the Management Issue and a discussion of why it is regarded as a Management Issue worthy of further research. In this section you expand on the brief statement – Why is the Management Issue worthy of research?, from your Introduction. This should be supported with research evidence; it is useful if this evidence is empirical (from Journal articles). Typically, the following questions are considered:  What is the management issue in this case?  What underlying management function can it be linked to?  How is this management function defined?  What specific theory or theories (maximum of two) from this management function would be useful in solving this management issue?  Why is the Management Issue indeed an issue? (for the organisation/any organisation);  Why is it worthy of further research? (expansion of the Introduction brief statement, substantiating the issue’s importance).  What does research show has happened with similar Management Issues elsewhere? 3.0 Critical Discussion (Approximately 700 words) The Critical Discussion presents your explanation and argument in a logical manner, supported by research evidence (using a deep, critical approach to discussing your argument). In this section, focus on comparing and contrasting the author’s arguments from each Journal Article, through explaining the relevant Theory/Model, that you argue best helps to understand the Management Issue and why it exists. In other words, critically discuss why the chosen Theory/Model addresses the specific Management Issue identified from the case (In this section, focus on critically discussing the Theory/Model, rather than the case, with minimal, if any linking back to Australian Business/Westpac (Gail Kelly). You must also consider any criticism, including a counter argument (an alternative position – this may be presented through a second Theory/Model, which will support stronger and deeper Critical Discussion) to the Theory/Model of focus in your Critical Discussion. This is essential in defending your argument through providing a balanced Discussion. Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 4 Typically, the following questions are considered:  What is the Theory/Model that is most relevant?  What do the experts (the authors of the Academic Journal Artices) say about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of your chosen theory/theories (critical discussion of theory/theories)?  How does the Theory/Model relate to the Management Issue?  What criticism or alternative/opposite views of the theory/theories exist?  Why is the chosen Theory/Model still relevant? 4.0 Recommendation/s (Approximately 300 words) After the Critical Discussion of the Management Issue and associated Theory/Model, you should explain one (1) clear and practical Recommendation (can be split more specifically into two (2) areas, but no more) that can be taken by managers to minimise the influence of the relevant factors and so reduce the problem or challenge, or maximise the factors to capitalise on the opportunity (your Recommendation/s must be applied to Australian Business/Westpac (Gail Kelly)?. These recommended actions should be supported by your literature research to explain why they would be of benefit. Your Recommendation/s must be linked to your initial argument statement and be practical and manageable in the context of to Australian Business/Westpac (Gail Kelly). Typically, the following questions are considered:  What does the literature suggest can be done to resolve the Management Issue?  What evidence of success exists?  How do those suggestions apply to the case Management Issue?  What suggestion/s do I recommend for to Australian Business/Westpac (Gail Kelly)? Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 5 PLEASE NOTE: Managing change is a broader management concept that you may wish to research and write about in your CR2 in relation to your Recommendation/s. 5.0 Conclusion (Approximately 60 words) The conclusion completes the report by stating the outcomes or implications of the argument or discussion presented before. A conclusion has no new evidence but rounds off the report by summarising the main points (Ensure that you link your concluding remarks back to your argument statement from the Introduction). 6.0 Reference List A Reference List contains the sources of information directly used in the report to support the argument. The list should not include reference to material that has not been directly cited – in the report. APA 6 th Edition referencing style is to be used throughout. Academic Reference sources (i.e. Journal Articles) must be of peer reviewed, scholarly standard. Articles and Reports obtained from the Internet are additional sources that will NOT be accepted as Academic reference sources. You should select Journal Articles from Griffith University Library Search ( – includes suitable databases such as Proquest). You may use your course text book as one (1) additional reference source, but its use should be minimal. Do not use other books. A minimum of five (5) academic standard – or scholarly – reference sources (Journal Articles) are required. However, in order to warrant high marks of a High Distinction or Distinction standard, it would be expected that you would use more articles, as this will support your developing, deeper understanding of the Management Issue, chosen Theory/ies/ Model/s and strengthen your argument. Typically, you should consider using 10 articles for every 1000 words. Remember that your e-Texbook must be used as a secondary resource. Appendix (if required – ex. SWOT analysis) Presentation and Submission Reports should be presented in Calibri, Arial OR Times New Roman 12-point font with one-and-a-half line spacing. CR2 Assignments are to be submitted electronically only to the Case Report 2 Moodle Assignment link by Week 11 MONDAY 11th SEPTEMBER by 11:00 pm. Information about submission to the Moodle Assignment link will be provided on the portal and in Tutorial/Workshops You must accept the Griffith College submission statement on uploading your CR2 assignment. You will also completed a CR2 supplementary activity in your Week 11 Tutorial. Word Count The word count is 1500 words (+ or – 10 %). Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 6 The word count includes the Introduction, the body of the report, and the conclusion, but does not include in-text citations, the Reference List, cover sheet or any other attached material. The 1101IBA CR2 Marking Rubric (Criteria) is presented over-page (all marking and feedback will be completed and presented to you on completion through the Moodle Assignment-Turnitin). Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 7 MARKING RUBRIC Student Name: Student ID: Criterion Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Issue Identification 20% Issue Statement given is comprehensive and relevant to the case and refers appropriately and insightfully to the relevant function of management. Issue Statement given is comprehensive and relevant to the case and refers appropriately to the relevant function of management. Issue Statement given is relevant to the case, but may omit some important facts and conditions; however, does refer appropriately to the relevant function of management. Issue statement is given but not well fitted to the facts and conditions of the case; but mentions one relevant function of management. Lacks a clear issue statement, omits mentioning one relevant function of management. Marks 17 – 20 Marks 15.0 – 16.5 Marks 13.0 – 14.5 Marks 10.0 – 12.5 Marks 0 – 9.5 Marks Identification of theory relevant to Issue identified, and application with critical discussion 30% Appropriate theory to the case is critically discussed, their relevance to the case is explicitly and conclusively made with no errors. At least five journal article sources are cited in the critical discussion. Appropriate theory is critically discussed, their relevance to case is well argued, at least five journal article sources are cited in the critical discussion. Appropriate theory is discussed, their relevance to the case is implicit, at least five journal article sources are cited in the critical discussion. Theory is discussed, but relevance is not apparent; five journal article sources are cited, but critical discussion is not enhanced by the citations. No theory is incorporated, and/or there is no attempt at critical discussion using citations. The minimum of five sources have not been met. Marks 25.5 – 30 Marks 22.0 – 25.0 Marks 19.0 – 21.5 Marks 15.0 – 21.0 Marks 0 – 14.5 Marks Issue resolution based upon management theory 30% Provides recommendation/s and conclusion/s for management which are comprehensive or creative, with inspired actionable outcomes that are supported. Provides recommendation/s and conclusion/s for management, which are comprehensive or creative, which are logical, actionable and are supported. Provides recommendation/s and conclusion/s for management, which are logical, actionable, and to some degree supported. Provides opinions or statements concerning management, but are unsupported. Recommendations are logical and actionable but contain some errors. Does not provide any managerial insights toward resolving the issue. Poorly formed or non-existent recommendation and conclusion. Marks 25.5 – 30 Marks 22.0 – 25.0 Marks 19.0 – 21.5 Marks 15.0 – 21.0 Marks 0 – 14.5 Marks Written Communication: Report format supported by theory with appropriate referencing and citation. 20% Excellent writing, Business Report structure is complete with no errors, is logical and arguments are fully supported. Citation Style is excellent and there are no errors in usage. Mostly error free writing supported by a complete and logical business report structure and supported by citations appropriately. Minor errors in citation style and usage. Written expression has a few obvious errors but within a complete and logical business report structure; sources are mentioned without any major errors or omissions in the way citations are used. Written expression has errors and/or lacks some elements of the business report structure; sources are mentioned but with errors or omissions in the way citations are used. Written expression has many errors, business report format is not used, incorrect citation and formatting style chosen; sources are absent with many errors in how citations are used. Marks 17 – 20 Marks 15.0 – 16.5 Marks 13.0 – 14.5 Marks 10.0 – 12.5 Marks 0 – 9.5 Marks Comments: Total /100 Management Concepts 1101IBA Griffith College Case Report 2 (CR2) Requirements T3 2017 page 8 Quick-check Questions to support your writing: Introduction & argument – Has a suitable Management Issue been identified with respect to the case context (facts)? Has the argument and reasoning been clearly stated? Issue identification – Is the Management Issue relevant to the facts of the case identified? Is the Management Issue and argument outlined effectively along with an explanation? Has literature been used to suitably support the Management Issue? Critical Discussion – Has suitable Theories/Models, or at the very least one Theory/Model been identified that is relevant to the Management Issue? Has the Theory/Model been used to suitably explain the Management Issue? Has the explanation been critically considered in a balanced manner? Has the use of the Theory/Model been justified – or defended – even though there is criticism? Recommendation – Has a suitable (practical and actionable) Recommendation been offered? Has the Recommendation been supported in literature? Has the Recommendation been applied to the case situation? Conclusion – Does the Conclusion summarise the report argument and findings without adding new material? Research – Are there at least 5 articles from refereed journals and are the articles used clearly relevant to the Management Issue and concepts discussed? Referencing – Is the work of other writers acknowledged accurately, consistently and completely, both with in-text citations and in the Reference list? Clarity, Presentation, Format and Proofreading – Is the review written in concise sentences and clear language? Is it free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors? Is it presented in the appropriate format and word-processed, using a standard 12pt font, one-and-a-half line spacing on white single-sided A4 paper with suitable margins and page numbers? CR2 Case Study Why Australian business needs another Gail Kelly Gail Kelly’s departure as Westpac chief executive was a real and symbolic loss for women, many of whom saw her as a role model. Women in Australia now make up just 3 per cent of CEO roles in the top 200 companies. It is unlikely this will change any time soon as the pipeline of women coming up the ranks, in terms of numbers, does not look promising. Kelly is unique as she is seen as a woman who managed to ‘have it all’. She was chief executive of one of the Big Four banks while being a mother of four children. This combination is a rarity as a woman’s rise to the top often occurs at the expense of having a family. She is therefore an important role model for many women facing a societal climate that does not value female leadership. A report by Randstad found more than one in four Australian employees believed their employer would choose a male over a female candidate of equal merit, regardless of the gender ratio in their organisation. The findings support the view that people think men make better leaders than women. Study after study finds organisations do better on both financial and non-financial measures when women are included in executive and board positions. This includes better returns for investors. Yet women are still seen as outsiders for senior leadership roles. Sadly, many women internalise societal discrimination and see themselves as imposters. The imposter syndrome is hard to break when there are so few female role models and female competence is judged by higher, harder and shifting standards. Society all too often waits for a woman in leadership to fail as proof that women are incompetent, inept or uncommitted. Most women who make it to the top do so by tolerating male-dominated cultures and accommodating the dominant style. This means neither setting the cultural agenda nor radically changing the work environment. For women at the top, family and work remain incongruent. The rhetoric of family-friendly workplaces remains just rhetoric. A landmark study by the Human Rights Commission found 49 per cent of pregnant women and working mothers experienced discrimination both in the corporate world and the public service. Source: Hannah Piterman (Monash University), originally published on The Conversation

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