Explain the conference at Bretton Woods following World War II including the goals of the conference attendees

MBA 603 International Business
Mid-Term (Spring 2017)
For the first part of the exam please find the five questions. Answer each question with no more than three to four pages (double spaced). The prompt below is for you to use as a basis for your answers using the concepts covered in class. There is no need to go into detail about the countries. Please be complete but concise.
For the second part of the exam please find essay questions/prompts (Part I-III) regarding Bretton Woods the IMF and the World Bank. Please follow the instructions of the second part prior to the questions (after the 5 essay questions).
The exam is due on Friday March 17 by 6pm.
In the last few years there has been turmoil in Turkey (refugee crisis) and economic challenges in Argentina and Brazil. You are the CEO of ABC Company selling widgets internationally and the company has already eight offices overseas but is active in more countries. You and your team are in the midst of planning to enter any or all of these three countries and are now facing new realities in these countries.
Which aspects of international business do you need to asses in order to make a decision whether to continue to enter either or both of these countries? Explain why.
If the decision is to enter these markets what options would you suggest to use as a first entry strategy? Explain why.
If the decision is the enter any of these countries what financial (money) issues do you need to keep in mind to make sure that the activities in these markets will profitable? Explain.
Once the company is active in any of these countries what means will your company have available in case of any potential disputes? Explain potential causes for dispute and what the company could do to avoid them or deal with them when they arise.
At this point your company has eight offices overseas with activities in additional countries. What organizational structure would you suggest to oversee the companys international activities? Explain why.
Answer Parts I through III by using questions 1-10. Consider Parts I through III as the prompts and then answer the 10 questions following by using short sentences/answers. These are not essay questions/answers. In other words do not answer Part I-III but the 10 questions.
Part I: Explain the conference at Bretton Woods following World War II including the goals of the conference attendees. As part of this explanation discuss both the IMF and The World Bank (IBRD) as major institutions created at the conference how both the IMF and the World Bank have evolved since 1944 what their goals and responsibilities are and how they impact todays global business environment.
Part II: Provide a real example of an IMF program to assist a country with a particular situation it has encountered. Explain the program in detail including the IMF’s objectives/anticipated outcomes as well as evidence of the IMF’s success or failure to achieve it stated objectives. Be sure to provide specific examples data or other concrete information about the program’s success or failure. This means you must select an IMF program that has been completed or has been operating for long enough to demonstrate success or failure.
Part III: Provide a real example of a World Bank program to assist a country with a particular situation it has encountered. You may select a program sponsored by any of the World Bank’s divisions. Explain the program in detail including the Bank’s objectives/anticipated outcomes as well as evidence of its success or failure to achieve it stated objectives. Be sure to provide specific examples data or otherconcrete information about the program’s success or failure. This means you must select a World Bank program that has been completed or has been operating for long enough to demonstrate success or failure.


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