
Write an abstract of one scholarly research source on an argument that collaboration time is available without impinging on classroom or other activity time is present, distinctive, and compelling. Personal experience, observation, and scholarly research are provided but may not support claims. Research is authoritative. Clearly identify the abstract as a separate section of the paper entitled “Literature Abstract.”

Use the following guidelines to write the abstract:

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  1. Introduction (50 words): briefly describe the purpose, intent, and scope of the study, including the statement of the problem, hypotheses or research questions, and key concepts.
  2. Methodology (100 words): describe the research design, population sample, data collection procedure, and other procedures used in the study.
  3. Results (100 words): briefly describe the data collected and the findings of the study, including the interpretation and implications of the study.
  4. Conclusion (50 words): briefly critique the presentation of the study, including the researcher’s credentials. Provide a summary assessment of the study.

Scholarly research sources attached.

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