Discuss elbow incongruence as it relates to the development of medial coronoid disease in the dog and the value of diagnostic imaging modalities in its assessment
Discuss elbow incongruence as it relates to the development of medial coronoid
disease in the dog and the value of diagnostic imaging modalities in its
3. Regarding caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy in dogs (CCSM):
a) Define the abbreviated terms DAWS and OAWS. (2 marks)
b) Compare the typical signalment of a dog affected by DAWS to one affected by
OAWS. In your answer, include a brief explanation of the pathogenesis of each
condition. (8 marks)
c) Compare the use of computed tomography (CT) myelography and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of CCSM. Include in your answer the
role of imaging the cervical vertebral column whilst in traction. (10 marks)
d) With reference to the literature, discuss the surgical techniques recommended for
the treatment of DAWS. For each, state whether it is a direct decompression or
an indirect decompression technique. Include in your answer evidence for the
use of one (1) surgical procedure over any other. (15 marks)
e) Based on current evidence, compare surgical versus non-surgical management of
DAWS in a canine patient with ambulatory paraparesis, mild forelimb ataxia and
intermittent neck pain. (10 marks)
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Small Animal Surgery Paper 2 Page 5 of 5
© 2015 The Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists ABN 00 50 000894 208
4. A 12-month-old Golden retriever is presented for management of thoracic limb
lameness associated with unilateral fragmented coronoid process of the ulna. With
reference to the literature:
a) Discuss elbow incongruence as it relates to the development of medial coronoid
disease in the dog and the value of diagnostic imaging modalities in its
assessment. (15 marks)
b) Discuss the choice of arthroscopic, or open focal treatments and their anticipated
impact on long-term joint health and elbow function in this dog. (15 marks)
c) Discuss the role of surgery in the management of this case if grade four
(modified Outerbridge scale) cartilage wear of the medial compartment was
encountered during joint exploration. (15 marks)
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