. Define sexual harassment as the term is used legally. 2. Explain how sexual harassment differs from gender discrimination.
Sexual Harassment Paper instructions: Questions to answer in paper: (Include each question in a heading of paper “ and in this order.) 1. Define sexual harassment as the term is used legally. 2. Explain how sexual harassment differs from gender discrimination. 3. Provide the legal definition of œquid pro quo (also known as œvicarious liability) sexual harassment. Provide one example of a behavior which could be found to be quid pro quo sexual harassment. 4. Provide the legal definition of hostile environment sexual harassment. Provide one example of a behavior which could be found to be hostile environment sexual harassment. 5. List the factors which contribute to a determination of whether behavior is sexual harassment. 6. Define the standard by which œunreasonable behavior is determined. 7. Explain what situations are considered œsevere or pervasive and why these terms are important. 8. Give the main legal reason why every company should have a valid written policy against sexual harassment (besides the fact it is the œright thing to do.) Cases to discuss in paper: Pick ONE of the following four cases to discuss in paper. In discussion, state the following: A. The facts of the case (briefly!) B. The issue in the case (i.e. what was the court asked to review?) C. The decision of the court D. Whether you agree or disagree with the courts decision “ and why. Cases to choose from are: I. Faragher v City of Boca Raton 524 US 775 (1998) II. Burlington Industries, Inc. v Ellerth 524 US 742 (1998) III. Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson 477 US 57 (1986) IV. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services 523 US 75 (1998) If you click on any of the four cases, you will be taken to the Cornell University Law School’s Supreme Court Reporter decision on the case. You can also do further research and find many good articles and sources which discuss the cases online (and in your textbook.) Note that court cases are specifically not copyrighted; when you quote from them, you use legal citation styles to reference them. This section of your paper should be about 1 to 2 pages. Finally, create an appendix to your paper which outlines what a good Sexual Harassment policy would include, and why you would include each section. (You don’t have to write a policy “ and do not copy and paste a policy from the internet. Instead, list the sections your policy would include, and why you would include each section. You can be brief on this.)
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