Create a professional development plan to address the characteristics of the Learning Team members

Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the resources needed to help them reach their career goals.

Use each Learning Team member’s DiSC assessment results completed.— Me 1. The Assessor (Ci) You are predominantly a Cautious Style.

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We break each main Style down into four Substyles. Yours is the Ci, which we call The Assessor. The Assessor is LESS guarded and LESS indirect than most other Cautious styles. Below is a snapshot of The Assessor Substyle… as such, it’s a closer look at you!

The primary goal that motivates you is accomplishing goals with excellence.

As a quick thinker, you can deal with many inputs simultaneously; however, you may be slow to take action. Your nickname of “Assessor” is based on your evaluative approach to people and tasks. You tend to have strong opinions about people and groups with whom you do not identify or agree.

2. Joseh he is The Producer (Ds)style—– You are predominantly a Dominance Style. We break each main Style down into four Substyles. Yours is the Ds, which we like to call The Producer. The Producer is LESS guarded and LESS direct than most other Dominance styles. Below is a snapshot of The Producer Substyle… as such, it’s a closer look at you! The primary goal that motivates you is accomplishing bigger and better goals according to an internal timetable. You prefer to be involved in your chosen activities from start to finish, and you resist people who are obstacles to your achievements. Your ability to produce makes you highly valued in situations in which an efficient, dependable, or incrementally improving rate of production is desired.

3 Team member Sara she is interactive style and Max he is a natural Leader style, based on the DiSC assessment. . 4.* Develop a combined DiSC chart of your Learning Team members for use in developing this paper. Based on the individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your team?

Create a professional development plan to address the characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually and as a group and your ability to lead them




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