Briefly explain how the ‘Diversity Policy’ applies to your workplace, with reference to specific sections of the ‘Diversity Policy’ and the operations of your workplace. Write 50 – 100 words.

Below are links to resources that will help you to complete this assessment.


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Diversity Policy Template:{371CDC67-F5ED-42A4-907D-9CFF97ECDF32}&file=Diversity%20Policy%20Template.docx&action=default


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Assessment Instructions

Part A  -Complete the following tasks to review your workplaces Diversity Policy.


Task 1:

Locate a copy of your workplaces’ Diversity Policy. If your workplace does not have a Diversity Policy amend the ‘Diversity Policy Template’ in the resources section to apply to your workplace.


Task 2:

Briefly explain how the ‘Diversity Policy’ applies to your workplace, with reference to specific sections of the ‘Diversity Policy’ and the operations of your workplace. Write 50 – 100 words.

Task 3:

Read through the ‘Diversity Policy’ and write an overall feedback on it. Write about what you think it addresses well and also provide suggestions (At least three (3)) for how you believe it could be improved. Write 50 – 100 words.

Task 4:

Amend the ‘Diversity Policy’ to include your suggestions from Task 3 and compose an email for everyone in your organisation to provide a brief overview of what is expected of them from the ‘Diversity Policy’ and also the amendments you have made.

Upload your amended Diversity Policy to Cloud Assess and write your email to the organisation below.



Complete the following tasks to implement your amended ‘Diversity Policy’ in your workplace.


Task 1:

Briefly reflect on prejudices you may currently have or have had in the past against any of the following groups:
• People with disability
• Younger or older people
• People from different countries
• People who practise religion
• People with little or no education
• People that are male or female
• People that gay, heterosexual, transgender

Explain how you intend to change your preconceptions or how you changed your preconceptions. Write 30 – 50 words.





Task 2:

For the period of one (1) week at your place of employment implement your amended policy from Part A and keep a journal detailing your experiences with diversity. You must have at least one (1) entry detailing an experience with each of the following points:
• Demonstrating respect for difference in personal interactions
• Aiming for diversity when selecting/recruiting people for specific tasks
• Managing tensions between staff who struggle to work effectively with difference*
• Encouraging collaboration between staff who struggle to work effectively with difference*
• Encouraging respect between staff who struggle to work effectively with difference*
• Promoting diversity as a strength that can improve the organisation’s products services and customer relations in both internal and external forums. Internal and external forums may include but are not limited to:
– Business meetings
– Conferences and seminars
– Newsletters and bulletins
– Professional networks
– Staff meetings
– Staff updates
• Using ideas and information inspired from the diversity in your organisation to enhance your products and services

*If your workplace doesn’t have staff who struggle to work effectively with difference or one of these situations didn’t occur during the week, reflect on how you would deal with these if it were to happen.

Type your journal into a Microsoft Word document (Or similar program) and upload to Cloud Assess.




The post Briefly explain how the ‘Diversity Policy’ applies to your workplace, with reference to specific sections of the ‘Diversity Policy’ and the operations of your workplace. Write 50 – 100 words. appeared first on BEST NURSING TUTORS .

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