Another study evaluated the effectand feet and obtaining an annual tional and motivational support for of a text message-based diabeteseye examination (ADA, 2013b). day-to-day diabetes management. program on diabetes management

Another study evaluated the effect
and feet and obtaining an annual tional and motivational support for of a text message-based diabetes
eye examination (ADA, 2013b). day-to-day diabetes management. program on diabetes management


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Technology: A Pllot Study to Improve
Cara/ise W. Hunt
Bonnie K. Sanderson
Kathy lo Ellison
ccording to the American
A Diabetes Association (ADA, Technology may assrst people llvmg w1th type 2 diabetes w1th self-
2013a), 25.8 million peOple management. A pilot study that used Apple® iPad® technology to
1n the UnltEd States currently are support diabetes self-management is described.
living with diabetes. Approximately
90%-95% of these have type 2 dia-
b t T2DM .If t d
erelyesd(iabetes)leaclllsotonrlreilllle’ltiggle 1:235 CINAHL, and PsycINFO databases. Technological interventions offer
plications including heart disease Search terms included diabetes self- promise for enhancing self-efficacy
stroke high blood pressure kidney management, diabetes self-manage- and support for diabetes self-man-
disease blindness and limb ampu- ment behaviors, diabetes and self-efi‘i- agement. One study evaluated three
tation ‘ Management of diabetes cacy, and diabetes and technology. different methods of diabetes educa-
requires participation in a multifac- Research indicates self-efficacy is tion delivery, including two different
eted program The complex nature linked closely to diabetes self-man- web interactive methods and a tradi-
of diabetes treatment plans makes it agement, with higher levels of self- tional face-to-face education (Pacaud,
difficult for people living with dia- efficacy being related to increased Kelley, Downey, & Chiasson, 2012).
betes to understand and maintain participation in diabetes self-man- Improvements in diabetes knowl-
daily self-management (Sevick et agement behaviors (King et al., edge, self-efficacy, and self-manage-
a1 2008) Technology may assist 2010; Lanting et al., 2008; O’Hea et ment were noted for all three meth-
with processing the complexities of al., 2009). Methods to promote self- ods. Significant correlations were
a self-management plan by provid- efficacy in persons with diabetes found between higher website
ing education and visual feedback have the potential to improve dia- usage and higher diabetes knowl-
of self-management behaviors betes self-management, thereby edge, self-efficacy scores, and meta-
improving overall disease control. bolic control. Researchers conclud-
Technology is being used increas- ed diabetes education delivered
REVIEW Of Literatu re ingly to assist people living with electronically can be as effective as
People living with diabetes are diabetes with self-management. the traditional face-to-face delivery
encouraged to follow a healthy diet New technological advances can method and may offer options for
monitor blood glucose exercise, improve self-management by en- meeting the increasing demands for
take prescribed medications and couraging patients to participate in diabetes self-management educa-
monitor for diabetes-related, com- practices and routines related to tion.
plications by daily inspecting skin their illness and providing educa- Another study evaluated the effect
and feet and obtaining an annual tional and motivational support for of a text message-based diabetes
eye examination (ADA, 2013b). day-to-day diabetes management. program on diabetes management
Self-care management interven-
tlons glycemlc comm]. m Caralise w. Hunt, PhD, RN, CMSRN, is Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Auburn
people 11v1ng w1th







The post Another study evaluated the effectand feet and obtaining an annual tional and motivational support for of a text message-based diabeteseye examination (ADA, 2013b). day-to-day diabetes management. program on diabetes management appeared first on BEST NURSING TUTORS.

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